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By Conor McPherson

Q44 Theatre Company

Direction / Gabriella Rose-Carter

Lighting Design / John Collopy

Set and Costume Design / Casey-Scott Corless

Sound Design / Justin Gardam

Stage Management / Will Atkinson and Annalisa Lucca

Cast / Anthony Scundi, Sebastian Gunner, Nick Cain, and Madeline Claire French.

"The subtle yet effective lighting design by John Collopy ... really pushes the claustrophobia in the play." - Theatre Press

"Expert lighting design is by John Collopy. He adds linear detail, and when both John and Ian are closer to recovery, the implementation of warmer tones lifts and propels the piece with new hope." - Theatrepeople

"John Collopy’s evocative lighting contributes to the atmosphere of  dark shadowy pasts and tightly bound lives." - Stage Whispers

Photos / John Collopy

 by John Collopy.

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